New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

The NFSC And Miles Guo In The Eyes Of The Westerners

On the occasion of the traditional Chinese Lunar New Year’s Eve in 2023, the people of the New Federal State of China (NFSC) gathered in New York to sing the highest sounds of the New Year in the annual finale of the third season of “I AM SING-RO MUSIC DOWN The CCP”. This competition was not only participated by the outstanding musical performance of the NFSC people but also several western musicians who gave wonderful live performances, which made everyone at the show site excited, proud, and joyful for a long time.

After the feast, fellow fighter Nicole from the NFSC did an interview with each of these Western musicians who were invited to participate. One of them, American rapper Topher, said in the interview that Miles Guo made great sacrifices to destroy the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and save his Chinese compatriots and the people of the world, and he is a true leader. Topher also said that the Whistleblower Movement of the NFSC is all based on the hearts and minds of the people and it will be a great victory!

Moreover, the anti-medical tyranny musician Kozis Wellness pointed out in the interview that the Chinese people are not slaves. If they unite against tyranny, such a dictatorial ruler will fall with a bang. And Miles Guo has inspired the large number of Chinese people, as well as people from different countries around the world, to stand up bravely against the CCP. He is a true hero of the Chinese people.

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