New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

NFSC 90-Day Peaceful Protest Against Paul Hastings

Paul Hastings LLP, a U.S. law firm, is an accomplice of the Chinese Communist Party. It has been aiding and abetting the CCP in persecuting fellow fighters of the New Federal State of China (NFSC). The NFSC fellow fighters have voluntarily started protesting against Paul Hastings across the globe; December 2nd is the 13th day into this peaceful protest movement, which is set to last 90 days. More and more NFSC fighters are standing up and voluntarily pitching in by organizing, assisting with logistics, and standing at key public locations for long periods. The 90-day protest is aimed to expose the deep collusion between Paul Hastings LLP, Luc A. Despins, who is a partner of the firm, and the CCP. The protest has helped open the eyes of many Westerners and has won the appreciation and support of many Americans from all walks of life.

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