On January 13th, the New Federal State of China (NFSC)’s protest against the PAG and Paul Hastings LLP entered its 55th day of action. Our fellow fighters on the front lines of the peaceful protest at New York’s Grand Central Terminal shared two short stories in interviews. One was a religious group from South America who hoped that the New Chinese would bring the Gospel of God back to China so that the ancient and hard-working Chinese would find their spiritual side again, and afterward, they offered a very moving prayer for the NFSC protest before they left.
Additionally, a freelance writer who wrote about the persecution of the Uyghurs by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was moved by the unwavering spirit of resistance after learning that the NFSC not only cries out for the Chinese people suffering from CCP’s rule but also exposes the evil true nature of unscrupulous lawyers to the world. This shows that the NFSC’s peaceful protest for justice has gained the support of people from all walks of life.

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