New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

One Year Since The ‘Chained Woman’ Was Exposed, CCP Authorities Ban Visits

It has been nearly a year since the Chained Woman in Xuzhou 徐州was exposed, but her there has been no update about her true identity or her current situation. The public has always been skeptical of the official narrative of the local CCP authorities. A few days ago, a Beijing legal profession went to Fengxian丰县 County , Xuzhou徐州, but was unsuccessful in his attempt to visit the Chain Woman’s family due to the strict security of the local government.

 On January 11th, Chinese lawyer Li Zhuang 李庄published an article, “”A Trip to Feng County,” 《丰县行》on Weibo, telling how he visited the Chained Woman and her eight children in Dongji Village, Feng County, Xuzhou (徐州丰县欢口镇董集村) but was barred from entering the village. After the article was published, it attracted the attention of many netizens. The Weibo post was quickly deleted and even the screenshots of the article were censored.

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