Government Officials Who Mandated Jabs Will Be Charged With Crime In The Future

Recently, the U.S. Pentagon canceled Covid, also known as the CCP virus vaccine mandate. Miles Guo commented in a live broadcast on Jan. 11 that although this is good news, it is too late. He asked what would be the point of calling off the mandate now with such a high vaccination rate in the U.S. military. After Saddam Hussein died by hanging, an American soldier kicked the dead body several times to vent his anger, but that was meaningless. Although people are dying everywhere in the world because of the jabs, the vaccine disaster has not yet begun. The price to be paid by the United States for this will be incalculable.

 It is reported that approximately 99% of active-duty troops in the Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps have been vaccinated against the CCP virus, and 98% of the Army. Vaccination rates for the Guard and Reserve are lower, but generally more than 90%.

 Miles emphasized that all government officials around the world who implemented the CCP virus vaccine mandate, including the United States, Israel, Denmark, the Netherlands, Japan, etc., will be charged and stand trial for crimes against humanity, and none of them will be acquitted regardless of their positions or titles.

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