New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

Forced To Promote ”Common Wealth’ The CCP Will Soon Collapse Real Estate And Banks

On January 8th, Miles Guo revealed that the so-called “common wealth” of the CCP only en-riches the high-ranking officials but not the ordinary people at all. In the second half of this year, it is predicted that the real estate and bank industry may collapse, as well as the CCP.

The CCP has begun to exercise specific rules for the implementation of “common wealth” poli-cy. These policies target individuals who have assets over one million, including Jack Ma, Ma Huateng, etc.. For specific means of implementation, we can refer to situations happened during the Cultural Revolution. For example, ordinary people were only allowed to keep basic necessities of life, and even toothbrushes were only available for “production team leader.” Every morning, ordinary people were designated for unified action, unified labor, and unified distribution, which in short, is the People’s Commune and the Great Leap Forward.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to achieve the “common wealth” that the people envision by killing the rich for the needs of the poor. The real beneficiaries of this movement are only the top leaders who can enjoy the highest privilege and the best material life. Miles Guo also predicted that the collapse of China’s real estate and banking industry will happen by the end of 2023.

There may be two possible reasons if it is sooner. One is if the economic crisis in the United States occurs earlier. As a result, the early damage to the CCP’s economy will greatly accelerate the collapse of the CCP’s real estate. Additionally, there is a possibility that the CCP will attack Taiwan. Once the war starts, the CCP’s local infrastructure arrears and more than 4,000 domestic real estate companies’ debt default will exceed more than three times, which will subsequently lead to the collapse of the real estate and banking industry in a short pe-riod of time, taking the CCP with it.

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