Miles Guo revealed in the GETTR clip on January 8th that the recent outbreak of COVID-19, a.k.a the CCP virus in China has led to the death of a large number of doctors and nurses in hospitals, which confirms the seriousness of the pandemic. While the lives and safety of doctors cannot be guaranteed, ordinary people have become even more miserable.
The population within Communist China is about 1 billion plus, with only 1,000 or so class-A hospitals and 4,000 or 5,000 second-class hospitals, having a lower capability to effectively treat patients. Under such circumstances, it is impossible for the medical staff to cope with 600 to 800 million infected patients. Many domestic doctors revealed that their colleagues have lost their lives due to the CCP virus. However, instead of getting the respect they deserve as these doctors sacrificed their lives to save others, they were defined as a high source of infection by the country’s medical authority.
The CCP has a horrendous track record of treating people merely as an expendable resource. When the regime sees a group of people that can no longer generate value, such as in this case, when doctors can no longer catch up with the pace in treating the enormous number of patients, they are perceived to have failed in their duty and they should die.
Recently, the people who have died the most in Communist China are doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers, and other first-line rescue personnel. Under the rule of the evil CCP, good and virtuous people can never be rewarded. Now, countries across the world are asking the CCP not to open the borders and not to let Chinese people travel to their countries. This radical change in attitude within a month, from a welcoming attitude towards Chinese tourists to fearing them, is the result of these governments’ clear recognition of the evil purpose of Xi Jinping and the CCP – that is, to spread the virus all over the world again.

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