New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

Internal Strangulation Will Last Until The CCP’s Demise

In his Grand Live broadcast on January 8, Miles Guo revealed that the nature of the Chinese Communist Party’s(CCP) infighting is a gangster act of grabbing the goods on each other and killing each other and a compromise will never be reached. Recently, the CCP has been allegedly arresting people from the military and the current Standing Committee who acted against Xi Jinping in the South and North sections of Zhongnanhai. Xi Jinping has found that his surroundings are heavily infiltrated by opponents under the guise of loving, supporting and being loyal to Xi. Thus he has recently arrested many people in Shanghai, Dalian and Henan, and the arrests were made on a family basis. Among the Wang Qishan faction and Meng Jianzhu faction, there is a lot of discontent due to the arrests of people from both factions, but Xi won’t stop hunting the rest of them, which sets Wang and Meng in panic mode. Those who helped Xi Jinping hunt down his opponents in the early days of his rise to power, such as Wang Qishan, Meng Jianzhu, Fu Zhenhua, are now being hunted by Xi. Just like every dictator, Xi could only feel safe by putting every potential threat into jail. The CCP’s infighting will not stop until the moment of its demise; until then, no one inside the party is safe.

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