On January 4th, a U.K. health analytics firm, Airfinity, estimated that there are about 2.27 million new infection cases and nearly 15,000 deaths per day in China. The firm also predicted that the initial wave of the infections will hit across China on January 13th, with about 3.7 million new cases and 25,000 deaths in one day. The estimation is based on data from previous Chinese New Year holidays, when people traveled around the country by air, rail and car, and come up with the peak of infections in the first wave occurring before the Lunar New Year. The second wave of infections will peak on March 3rd, with an estimated 4.2 million new cases per day. By the end of April, there will be a total of 1.7 million deaths in China. Meanwhile, the Chinese Center of Disease Control reported just five deaths due to the CCP virus on January 3rd. Chinese people were suspicious about this number. The Chinese CDC also report less than 6,000 deaths in the past three years in China. This number stands in sharp contrast to the number predicted the U.K. firm, which was nearly 180,000 total deaths in December alone. The CCP abruptly lifted its Zero-COVID policy on December 7th, ending the lockdown and nucleic acid testing. But since then, the CCP has been unable to accurately track the real statistics the infection outbreak. The CCP also revised its death reporting criteria to exclude deaths from CCP virus-infected patients with underlying illnesses. Under these circumstance, governments and international organizations around the world have questioned the CCP’s outbreak data and urged Beijing to improve the transparency of the outbreak