New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

The NFSC And Whistleblower Movement Impress Deeply Upon Americans’ Mind

According to NFSCTV on December 24, one of the members of the New Federal State of China, Nicole, while recalling her experience at the AmericaFest in Phoenix, said what impressed her most about the event was the NFSC. The Whistleblower Movement had already deeply impressed Americans’ minds. She cited an example of a young man from a Midwestern city, where few Chinese are present, who immediately recognized the fellow fighters on the scene as followers of Miles Guo. He also said he often listens to one of Miles Guo’s songs, “Take down the CCP” and downloaded it to his phone so he can play it any time.

In addition, there was a Chinese woman who has been living in the U.S. for 20 or 30 years and has been following the Whistleblower Movement for three years. She is very familiar with all fellow fighters who appear regularly in the broadcasts on GETTR. She expressed her gratitude to Miles and the GTranslators team for revealing and translating the toxic CCP virus vaccine information because she and her family did not take the vaccine after listening to his message which they cannot find in mainstream media. Also, she volunteered to help distribute NFSC’s flyers and recruit more interviewers at the AmericaFest scene.

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