It is reported that the deputy director of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Information Department of Communist China, Zhao Li-Jiang may have contracted the CCP Virus. His wife, Tang Tian-Ru posted that she was desperate to need acetaminophen or ibuprofen for fever, and she complained that she could not find any. That post was later deleted after it was disliked and laughed at by many netizens.
Zhao’s wife, Tang, posted on her personal social media, Weibo, on the 19th, asking when will the fever be gone since it has been a week, and she still cannot find any medication to treat the symptoms, and she is feeling very helpless.
The post received many comments criticizing that she was just pretending or was being sarcastic that she was out of medication. The post was later removed. The next day, Tang posted again, saying she hoped everyone would share the medications with people in need and hoping everyone would overcome this pandemic together.
As previously observed that the CCP spokespersons will take turns hosting the regular press conference, but Zhao Li-Jian was last seen on December 2nd, which further confirms the rumor of him being infected to be true.

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