Recently, there have been widespread protests in many cities in China against the draconian lockdowns in the name of Zero-Covid Policy. It is speculated that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will further tighten social controls and crackdowns. On November 28th, the U.S. Embassy in China issued a statement appealing to U.S. citizens who currently are in China to stock 14-day worth of living supplies. The US Embassy posted with its official WeChat account on the 28th, saying that the Chinese government has expanded COVID-19 prevention restrictions and control measures, which may include “residential quarantines, mass testing, closures, transportation disruptions, lockdowns, and possible family separation.” Out of concern for the health and safety of U.S. citizens in China, ” We encourage all U.S. citizens to keep a 14-day supply of medications, bottled water, and food for yourself and any members of your household.” This is the statement posted on the US Embassy in China official website. According to a reliable source from the New Federal State of China (NFSC) and the Whistleblower Movement, the CCP regime has been on high alert and is ready to frantically crack down on anyone participated in protests against the lockdowns in order to maintain social stability, which may lead to the imposition of Marshall Law. Currently, some 60,000 special police are already in place in Beijing, and a large number of armored tanks are about to enter the city and Communist China is likely to be expected to enter a state of national emergency within three weeks.

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