On November 27, in the Q&A section of his Grand Live Broadcast, Miles Guo unvealed the motivations of Xi Jinping’s visit to Saudi Arabia in early December. Xi’s primary goal is to replace the U.S. as the contractor of Saudi Arabia national defense. Furthermore, he is to promote the settlement of the oil in CNY in half of the countries in the Middle East, bringing Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran together.
Geopolitically, the Middle Eastern countries are at an important global crossroads because the Strait of Hormuz, a necessary route from the Persian Gulf to the Indian Ocean, links Central Asia with the Arabian Peninsula. Therefore, the CCP has long been eyeing this region as an important part of its Belt and Road Initiative (OBOR). Currently, the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) influence in Iraq is comparable to that of the United States and Europe. To a certain degree, the United States is even vulnerable. If the digital CNY is fully adopted in the Middle East, the CCP will expand its OBOR into “One Ocean, One Road,” and the Pacific and Indian Oceans will be under the control of the CCP. Beijing’s petroleum CNY is modeled after the U.S. petrodollar, which provides defense and armed protection to Saudi Arabia in exchange. The CCP now has replaced more than 50% of Saudi national defense with PLA’s weaponry and system. In the future, North Korea and Saudi Arabia will have the Dongfeng series of missiles provided by the CCP, and even nuclear and biochemical weapons, so will Iran and Syria.

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