According to the foreign media report On November 20, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth District of California ruled that the San Diego Unified School District’s COVID-19 requirement for students is invalid. The court rejected the district’s several defenses of its mandate, including the claims that it is in line with the responsibility to keep students safe, programs can be created to meet “local needs” and that the mandate is not actually a mandate because it allows for students to do at-home independent study if they choose not to comply. For some, independent study could be a step backwards, a federal judge argues, “let them choose for themselves.” Professionals believe that the ruling of the California 4th District Court of Appeal is of great significance, and it signifies that no other schools in the United States may have the power to push forward similar measures by applying well-established case law. Protecting the health of the family and children is the natural responsibility of every parent, and parents have the right to make decisions about their children based on their own wishes and interests. Schools’ vaccine mandate not only violates the basic rights of students, but also goes beyond the scope of the school’s duties.

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