New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

The People Of The NFSC Protest Spontaneously In Tokyo, Japan

On November 25th in Japan, 39 fellow fighters of the New Federal State of China (NFSC) peacefully protested outside the office area of Roppongi’s Paul Hastings Law Firm, Japan. They protest against the collaboration of Paul Hastings with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), acting as an agent of the CCP to persecute the NFSC and persecute Chinese people racially and politically. Global fellow fighters greatly supported the peaceful protest. The protest received significant attention and support from people from all walks of life in the on-site office area.

Since November 20th, Global Whistleblower Movement’s fellow fighters and NFSC people have revealed the truth in Washington, DC, Connecticut, and New York. They protest against the discriminatory judicial entanglements against overseas Chinese by Paul Hastings Law Firm and O’Melveny Law Firm on behalf of the CCP’s overseas capital entities.

The protests gained widespread attention and support from all walks of life in the U.S. On November 23rd, the protests spread from the U.S. to Tokyo, Japan, where 18 fellow fighters of the NFSC protested against Paul Hastings in the winter rain. As of press time on the 25th, the number of participants on the Tokyo side of the protest has reached 39, and more fellow fighters will later participate in the protest.

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