On November 23rd, citizens of the New Federal State of China continued their demonstrations against the Pacific Alliance Group and Paul Hastings. A frontline fellow fighter named Jiajia shared with us two brief stories showing the impression that the New Federal State of China’s impact is unintentionally growing. As Jiajia was distributing the flyer, a nicely-attired, elegant and gorgeous African-American lady stopped in front of the protest and asked about their purpose. When she learned that citizens of the New Federal State of China (NFSC) were protesting against the Chinese Communist Party’s evil accomplice, the O’Melveny & Myers LLP, she started to sob.
She said she had watched the Bannon’s War Room program and was familiar with the NFSC. She expressed regret for the suffering of the citizens of the NFSC, saying this grimy law firm is shameless and claiming that their actions in subpoenaing the fellow fighters are unfair.
Another Chinese girl, who originally did not know about the NFSC, was surprised by the collusion between the CCP and the evil American law firms after hearing about the reason we were here to protest. She emphasized her desire to help the NFSC do what she could to take down the evil CCP and contribute to the change of the world.

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