On November 20, 2022, fellow fighters of the New Federal State of China around the world, under the protection of the constitutions of respective countries, spontaneously participated in peaceful protests against the law firms of Paul Hastings and law firm O’Melveny. These law firms have represented the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s overseas entities to perform targeted discriminatory judicial stalking of overseas dissidents against the CCP. The fellow fighters were protesting against the abusive and unlawful issuance of restraining orders by Luke Despins, a lawyer at Paul Hastings, who has committed a serious breach of professional conduct. As of November 25, the global protests had lasted six days.
On the first day of the protest on November 20, Mr. Sam, a Chinese-American scientist and federal employee who was also a witness to the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre spoke about his participation in the protest. Mr. Sam recalled that when he became a citizen of the United States of America, he pledged allegiance to the US Constitution and would fight against all enemies of the United States. Sam believes that lawyers such as Luke Despins, who are currently in serious breach of their professional ethics, are destroying the very cornerstone of the United States – freedom, democracy, and the rule of law – by helping the evil CCP to prosecute its dissidents in the US. Moreover, Luc’s arrogance and aggressiveness as a trustee has long constituted targeted racial discrimination towards overseas Chinese. Luc’s law firm, Paul Hastings, is helping the CCP steal America’s pensions away. If Americans do not wake up and fight these internal enemies, they will suffer greater property losses, with their democracy and freedom being taken away from them.

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