In a November 24 Gettr livestream, Miles Guo again talked about the CCP’s brutality when cracking down on local people and the Foxconn workers in Zhengzhou, China. The police or guards used extreme force, beating up people. Foxconn’s chief Terry Gou will have to be held accountable internationally as he has long colluded with the CCP, causing great harm to our Chinese compatriots.
Some video footage showed armed police beating people violently and even throwing some people who were not dead yet into the trash as if they were dead. There were things more horrific that were not shown by videos. Miles said that during the crackdown, the police even dragged people away directly after covering their heads with bags under the pretext of claiming them Covid-positive. There has been no news about their whereabouts since.
Many people from different countries are now starting to ask questions about this. Miles appealed to all his NFSC fellow fighters saying, “We must fight for all those innocent lives that have been wronged, those fresh lives that were killed and tossed in the Foxconn crackdown. This is our responsibility. The world needs the New Federal State of China, and the Communist Party’s madness is bound to lead it to its own demise.”

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