On the evening of the 22nd, the 269 Mechanized Infantry Brigade of the Taiwanese Army conducted a night-time combat exercise at the joint combat training base in Ping Dong County, southern Taiwan. The exercise involved live firing of the US’s Javelin anti-tank missile system towards armored vehicles of an imaginary enemy.
The Javelin anti-tank missile is highly-portable. It plays a crucial role in destroying Russian tanks and armored vehicles during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Its effective range is 2.5km and can strike targets as far as 4.75km away.
The Taiwanese army has extensively studied Ukraine’s tactics against Russia, including the use of the anti-tank missile against Russian tanks. It is reported that after purchasing 360 Javelin missiles and 40 launchers from the US for field deployment in 2002, Taiwan added another 182 Javelin missiles and 20 launchers in 2015. In early April last year, Taiwan made a budget for additional 400 Javelin missiles and 42 launchers in 2022.

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