New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

NFSC’s Protest Against Paul Hastings In Japan

In response to the CCP’s abuse of the U.S. judicial system, and Shan Weijian, a CCP spy, who has been using Paul Hastings, and its long term partner Luc A Despains, to persecute fellow fighters of the New Federal State of China(NFSC), some of the NFSC citizens bravely took to the streets of the United States to say no to the evil forces led by the CCP.

On November 23rd, in the midst of the heavy rain, our fellow fighters in Japan organized a protest in front of the office building of Paul Hastings Tokyo Office, to expose the truth about its collusion with the CCP regime.

Prior to the protest, the Japanese fellow fighters reported to the related authorities and prepared requested legal documents and materials overnight, aiming to form an East-West link with the American fellow fighters’ series of protests in the United States.

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