New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

The US Will Suffer From Unprecedented Damage For The Repeated Mistakes

During the grand live broadcast on November 13, Miles Guo discussed his views on how the U.S. will respond to the current financial, viral, and media-unrestricted warfare implemented by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Miles thinks that the U.S. is not ready, and will make the same mistakes again. Consequently, the U.S. dollar and financial system will suffer. After that, the CCP will manipulate the two parties in the U.S. which will lead to intensified rivalry, and the nation might be even more divided. The CCP will continue to penetrate more into the American media and judicial system to cause bitter dissension and possibly a civil war. The U.S. will pay the price. This is what the notorious BGY tactics and 3F plan are about. This is also the result of the CCP’s long-term strategy to infiltrate the U.S.

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