New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

Miles Guo three months ago: that the German chancellor would meet Xi Jinping

After Scholz’s visit to China, Macron will also meet with Xi Jinping, followed by several other country leaders. The visits are tantamount to approval to Xi’s continued rule in China after the 20th Congress.

On November 4th, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz met with Xi Jinping in Beijing. Scholz is the first G7 leader to visit communist China since the pandemic.

As early as three months ago, Miles Guo revealed that Scholz would visit China. This is one of a series of political activities arranged after the Chinese Communist Party’s 20th Congress.

After Scholz visits Beijing, Macron will also meet Xi Jinping, followed by several other country leaders. The visits are a sign of approval for Xi’s third term after the 20th Congress. During his visit, Scholz said that mainland China is an important economic and trade partner of Germany and Europe, and Germany firmly supports trade liberalization and economic globalization and opposes “decoupling”.

Miles believes that Xi would place orders on Airbus aircraft from these countries, which would benefit those selling countries in terms of taxation and profit. This time Scholz went to China because Germany’s economy was tighthend with market in mainland China. Politically, In terms of politics, Germany is not doing well with the U.S., which leaves the country no choice but to corporate with the communist dictatorship.

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