New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

The CCP’s Military and Retired Officials Are Unhappy With the 20th National Congress

In a GETTR video on October 27th, Miles Guo claimed that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) military and some retired officials were quite unhappy with the 20th National Congress and concerned that the incident of Hu Jintao’s “”deception”” would fester and be exploited by foreign powers to bring down the CCP.

 Inside the leadership of the CCP after the 20th National Congress, Hu Chunhua, Wang Yang, and Han Zheng expressed their extreme dissatisfaction with the outcomes of the 20th National Congress of the CCP. Wang Qishan found it extremely difficult to accept losing the vice-chairman position, which he could have held for life. Hu Jintao wasn’t the only one on the rostrum who was duped by those that day; many others also fell for the trick.

 Even though many people expressed their “”noble sacrifice”” in fact, they were not willing to give up, particularly the troops. The colonel-level officers elevated by Xi Jinping who age between 40 and 55 are the most violent in the army. Since Xi Jinping assumed the vice chairman almost ten years ago, he has personally elevated numerous military cadres, all of whom are now in their fifties. The current CCP scenario is not as solidly pro-Xi family party as what the public sees on camera.

 The CCP sought to minimize the incident of Hu Jintao’s “”deception,”” and also continued to utilize the Taiwan Strait conflict and the Zero-Covid policy to deflect attention. However, according to Wen Jiabao, Jia Qinglin, and Li Changchun, this issue is not insignificant and might be exploited by the West and the United States if handled improperly.

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