According to reports on Oct. 28, the crackdown on hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) started in the fall of 2019, before the CCP Virus had even broken out. The French Ministry of Health at the time classified HCQ, which was supposed to be an over-the-counter drug, as a prescription drug and stigmatized HCQ as causing genetic damage to human cells. For more than half a century, tens of billions of measurements of hydroxychloroquine have been used by hundreds of millions of people.
It is one of the top 50 essential drugs recommended by the World Health Organization, it can be use even by pregnant women, infants, and children, as HCQ is the safest drug known, yet it was suddenly banned just before a pandemic outbreak. If HCQ had been available at the beginning of the CCP Virus outbreak, thousands of unnecessarily lost lives could have been saved.

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