Miles Guo has repeatedly mentioned that the CCP’s Beidaihe meeting is the one that determines the political direction of China despite it not being an official meeting.
Miles said in his October 26th broadcast that the previous talks between Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping at the Beidaihe meeting were related to the recent “kicked out” incident.
Last year on December 3rd, Miles, in his broadcast, mentioned an inside story relating to the Beidaihe meeting. During the meeting, Xi Jinping visited retired veteran leaders. He first visited Song Ping and spent more than 40 minutes there. The longest conversation with Hu Jintao lasted more than 90 minutes. Two exchanges with Wang Qishan lasted about 20 minutes or so each. Everyone else was about 20 minutes. We can tell the relationship between Xi and Song Ping and Hu Jintao by the length of their meeting. This meeting determined Xi’s political direction.
Now back on October 22nd, the day of the closing, when Hu Jintao took his seat, he discovered that the list of the new Standing Committee name did not match their previously internalized list, among them, Hu Chunhua (胡春华), Wang Qishan, and Han Zheng all being replaced with members that have close ties with Xi. Hu Jintao tried to question him, but on Xi’s order, he was immediately taken away by Xi’s bodyguard.
Let’s remember what Miles revealed about the Beidaihe meeting to further understand its connection to this “kicked out” incident.

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