It is reported on October 19th that a former intelligence official of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is using social media to cause racial discord in the United States, aiming to decrease credibility of the American political system and ultimately destroy the country from within.
Nicholas Eftimiades, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, made this point in a September 30th interview with the press. Eftimiades has worked at the State Department, the Central Intelligence Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency.
“Race baiting is a tactic that we’ve seen starting to evolve from China in the U.S.,” he said. This goes back to the Black Lives Matter riots in 2020. China works a lot now in attempting to divide the United States.” Race baiting is defined as encouraging or inducing racism or racial animosity for political benefit.
He said the CCP specifically does this by setting up foreign media groups to conduct such activities. He cited examples of hidden influence operations conducted by the United Front Work Department, the Ministry of State Security and the People’s Liberation Army in other countries.
For example, a Meta platform removed misinformation originated from communist China ahead of the 2022 U.S. midterm elections. The misinformation appeared to be designed to fuel tensions and increase divisions among Americans on Facebook and Instagram.
Eftimiades believes that this event represented a shift in the CCP’s means of communication, and that this was the first time he had seen a massive attack in the United States, a concept of internal divide and conquer.
Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also believes that Beijing uses propaganda to divide the United States over race in the United States.
On his show “Evening Chats with Mike Pompeo,” he elaborated “how the CCP tries to divide Americans based on race” and that “how it lies to the world about the United States.”
This also verifies Miles Guo’s intelligence that the CCP is engaging in so-called 3F tactics in order to weaken the US.

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