British Foreign Secretary: The incident of CCP consulate in Manchester personnel beating protester is unacceptable

According the news media, on Sunday, October 16th, a Hong Kong man was dragged and beaten by CCP consulate staff while peacefully protesting outside the CCP consulate in Manchester. The Manchester police arrived and rescued the man from the consulate staff. According to a Conservative member of parliament, a senior CCP diplomat was involved in the violence. Diplomats of foreign embassies generally enjoy immunity from arrest and prosecution.

 Foreign Secretary James Cleverly has summoned Yang Xiaoguang, the CCP chargé d’affaires in the UK, to discuss the matter. James said, they are on British soil and the protests are peaceful and legal. Such violence against peaceful protesters is unacceptable. The Manchester Police will investigate the matter and the British will decide how to deal with the matter after reviewing the details of the investigation.

 The protester, by the name Bob, was demonstrating over the erosion of democracy in Hong Kong. However, he was beaten leaving bruises and cuts on his face, and had hair torn off his head. Bob said everything happened so fast. He was trying to hold on to the gate but could not for very long. Then they threw him to the ground and started kicking and beating him. Bob also expressed concern the CCP could harass his family in Hong Kong. However, he did not regret participating in the protests. Bob said, if no one comes forward to speak out, the world would not see how the CCP treats people.

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