The Success and Failure of Environmental Protection and Energy Conservation in Communist China

Full of abandoned electric cars that are parked in the green patches of the bleak open space, they give off an aura of hopelessness like the dead fish that the economic wave washed up on the beach. There is undoubtedly a good place to start, and the goals of human growth appear to be met by the global promotion of the idea of lowering carbon emissions through energy conservation and environmental preservation. The discourse is controlled by international organizations that have been heavily compromised by the Chinese Communist Party, and as a result, rather than leading to a development that will benefit humanity, the environmental issue has ushered in a new era of coronavirus that will obliterate the world’s population.

The CCP uses environmental conservation as an epidemic to spread ideas and engage the populace in profit-making competition. Abandoned electric cars have succeeded in this regard not only by using financial incentives and producing a project that saves face, but also by earning money for the thief’s family through white gloves. Similar to how real estate drives up costs, this is financed by everyone. From the other perspective, environmental protection and energy conservation are merely empty platitudes; the reality is in the opposite direction, wasting social resources, sowing deeper hidden environmental risks, and for the people who must continue to live in China, there are undoubtedly a hundred harms as opposed to one benefit.

The blood-bought and blood-sold economy of the CCP is characterized mostly by beautiful slogans and harsh facts. Shared bicycles and environmentally friendly autos are two CCP-manipulated short-term nation-stealing enterprises that are contributing to the economy’s rapid decline. No one is worried about environmental protection or having to answer for their actions now that Xi’s cleanup campaign is funded. The CCP system’s inescapable decision, a customary crisis response tactic, is to use political campaigns to conceal economic failures. The Communist Party’s “prosperity in times of adversity” doctrine is likewise based on passing the economic crisis along to the populace while causing a humanitarian catastrophe.

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