On October 19, Miles Guo pointed out on his live broadcast that the piece published by the New Yorker magazine was a part of the smear campaign against him, the Whistleblower Movement (WM), and the NFSC. The article basically used the same material written by the Communist Party’s mouthpiece Hu Shuli, the chief of Caixin Media. What the New Yorker reporter has done was completely defamatory and baseless, and a total distortion of the facts. The article wrongfully referred to the WM’s exposing the truths about the COVID vaccine as anti-vaccine; it tried to link the WM together with Bannon, Trump, and the alt-right movement. It even insinuated that the WM was involved with the January 6 event at the Capitol Hill. In fact, the WM and the NFSC have always been adamant about not getting involved with the U.S. internal affairs. The article called the actions that expose the fake democracy activists as cracking down on dissidents of the CCP, while containing questionable or distorting descriptions about the Embassy, Homeland Security, and FBI. In particular, its accounts of the so-called Q organization are totally un-trustworthy. The views presented in this article are insidious and dangerous. To its credit, the New Yorker did acknowledge that Miles Guo is the most influential figure aside from the Americans. But Miles saw right through it; he pointed out the purpose of the story is to bring attention to the American left and portray the WM as siding with opponents of the American left. All of these attempts are for the upcoming midterm elections. The New Yorker, or its parent company NYT, once a well-respected media outlet, now has degenerated into a bootlicking running dog of the CCP.

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