CCP to Invade Taiwan on a ‘much faster timeline’ says Antony Blinken

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said China’s government, CCP, is planning to annex Taiwan on a ‘much faster timeline’ under Xi Jinping.

The comments by Mr. Blinken came when Xi made it clear that he plans for a peaceful reunification but will never promise to give up the use of force during his first speech at the Communist Party’s 20th congress event.

Speaking at an event at Stanford University on Tuesday, Mr. Blinken said that Beijing would attempt unification by force and coercion if it couldn’t achieve it peacefully. He also warned that there would be a global economic disruption if Taiwan was taken over.

“That is profoundly disrupting the status quo and creating tremendous tensions,” he said.

Mr. Blinken added that the US would honour its commitments to Taiwan and support the island’s ability to defend itself.

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