French Generals Call Unvaccinated Citizens “Superheroes”

French General Christian Blanchon wrote a powerful letter in which he praised unvaccinated people for bucking the trend by maintaining God-given immunity. He said that people who refuse to “vaccinate” against the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are ‘superheros’.

Because they refuse to succumb to the demands that globalists allied with large pharmaceutical companies are doing their best to persuade everyone to comply.

Different from the French media, Emmanuel Macron proudly persecutes unvaccinated people in his country because they refuse to permanently damage their DNA through gene editing experiments.

General Blanchon believes that those who follow Nancy Reagan just refuse to receive drug injections and refuse to accept any advice, thus ‘reflecting the best side of human nature’. “Even if I am fully vaccinated, I will admire the ability of unvaccinated people to withstand the greatest pressure I have ever seen, including pressure from spouses, parents, children, friends, colleagues, and doctors,” he wrote, adding that unvaccinated people reflect their “personality” and “courage.”

Instead of following the herd directly off the cliff, the unvaccinated use critical thinking to conclude that an experimental drug from Big Pharma may not be a good bet, especially for a so-called virus whose source has never been traced.

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