Dr. Ladapo on Vaccine Risk, WarRoom, October 10, 2022

Doctor Joseph Ladapo is Florida Surgeon General. His tweet on COVID-19 vaccine risk was removed and restored by Twitter last Friday.

In the interview with WarRoom on October 10, 2022, Dr, Ladapo says:
We found that there was an 84% increase in cardiac-related death in young men between 18 and 39 years old over a 28-day period after the vaccines.

The CDC just did the most absurd things during this pandemic. They either don’t ask questions that they don’t want to know the answers to, or if they get the answers they don’t like, those answers get shoved in a desk drawer.

This whole thing is really almost criminal in terms of how much disregard they (big tech and other forces) have for human rights. I’m not talking just about Twitter, but this whole body that thinks it’s OK to crush the voices of others because you don’t like their message.

This is a message for humanity so that people can make informed decisions. We need more safety research. We need more accountability. We just need to get back to common sense

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