The unprovoked detention of tourists at an airport in Yunnan sparked protests, and the CCP’s police held guns to maintain stability

The autonomous prefecture of Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province closed the city without warning on October 4th, which led to the temporary suspension of flights at the local airport for 5 days, and a large number of tourists were stranded for no reason, causing protests. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s police armed with guns to maintain stability and arrest protesting tourists.

 According to reports, the official Weibo “Xishuangbanna Release” of the Information Office of Xishuangbanna Prefecture Government of Yunnan Province announced on the 4th that from 2pm that day, all personnel “will not leave the autonomous prefecture unless it is necessary”, and those who leave the autonomous prefecture must undergo 5-day health monitoring.

 As soon as the news was announced, it immediately caused panic among local tourists, and those who chose to leave by plane were directly trapped in the airport and could not take the flight even if they arrived. Some tourists who were trapped at the airport said that the local government even sent police officers to the airport with guns to maintain order and forcibly pulled tourists into quarantine.

 In addition, there are also a large number of videos on the Internet showing that the police in charge of maintaining stability violently beat and arrested passengers who asked to negotiate with the local government., and the scene was very chaotic.

 Many netizens said that the large number of violent repression incidents show that the so-called “peoples police” do not serve the people, but are essentially the thugs used by the CCP to supervise the people to prevent the people from overthrowing its dictatorship.

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