Taiwan: Chip Supply Chain Shares Security with the Island

Taiwan’s Economy Minister Wang Mei-hwa said during a visit to the United States on Tuesday that the global supply chain of important semiconductors will be safeguarded if Taiwan remains secure.

Wang made the remarks while attending an event hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C. She noted that Taiwan produces most the world’s most advanced computer chips, and that increased military pressure on Taiwan by Beijing has raised concerns about supply chain and geopolitical issues.

Wang said Taiwan is eager to have more cooperation with the U.S. to ensure supply chain stability. Given Taiwan’s key role in the high-tech sector, if the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) were to invade Taiwan, supply chain would be severely disrupted. She quoted U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, saying that any problem with Taiwan’s security would have a devastating effect on the global economy.

She believes it is in the world’s best interest for Taiwan to work closely with the United States and other allies to maintain the most efficient production.

Wang expressed Taiwan’s appreciation for the bipartisan support from U.S. Congress to strengthen Taiwan-U.S. relations, and she reiterated that Taiwanese companies will always follow international regulations.

When asked if Taiwan was concerned that subsidies from the U.S. Government to encourage the reproduction of chip manufacturing would reduce U.S. dependence on Taiwan, she said Taiwan has a world-leading, mature supply chain and that Taiwan’s position would be difficult to replace.

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