New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

Pfizer Admits COVID-19 Vaccine Never Attempted Transmission Prevention Test

In a hearing on the COVID-19 virus vaccine in the European Parliament, a representative from Pfizer personally confirmed in the hearing that Pfizer has never tested the COVID-19 vaccine to prevent the spread of the virus.

Dutch Congressman Rob Roos was able to reveal this information to the world when he questioned Pfizer’s president of National Advanced Markets, Jenny Small, at the hearing.

Congressman Roos then uploaded and shared a video of the two people’s Q&A on his Twitter account, calling on his followers to forward and spread it together; at the same time, he accused the Dutch Minister of Health of using emotions to incite the public to get vaccinated on the grounds that not vaccinating would cause the spread of the virus.

“Today, that seems completely unreasonable.”Ruth said. In August this year, the Counter Signal website published an article stating that data analysis showed that the virus transmission period of vaccinated people showed longer than that of unvaccinated people.

Both former and current U.S. presidents encourage vaccination. Dr. Fauci, a main U.S. official in pandemic policy, has also said that people who have been vaccinated are terminators of the spread of virus, but now Pfizer executives have confirmed that these claims are unfounded.

The only reliable information and intelligence, Miles Guo from the Whistleblower Movement, warned when the vaccine was promoted by governments around the world that the vaccine was not only useless but also dangerous.

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