Taiwan And Japan Cooperate In Defense Against CCP’s Threats

On October 5th, local time in Japan, Taiwan’s representative to Japan, Hsieh Chang-ting, held a celebration reception in Tokyo to welcome the Double Tenth National Day. He emphasized that Taiwan and Japan must cooperate in mutual defense against CCP’s attacks.

 Hsieh Chang-ting said that Taiwan does not belong to Communist China. The government of the Republic of China moved to Taiwan in 1949, while the People’s Republic of China, under the CCP’s rule, developed a different constitutional order after its establishment in mainland China. Hsieh Chang-ting mentioned that Taiwan had achieved democratization, and the Taiwanese were proud of it. What the Taiwanese desire most is to maintain their state of living.

 He also mentioned that in August this year, China held large-scale military exercises around Taiwan. In the meantime, several ballistic missiles fell into Japan’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). He said that Taiwan and Japan are a community with a shared future and called for further strengthening solidarity and cooperation.

 Koichi Hagiuda, the Chairman of the Policy Research Council of the Liberal Democratic Party, also attended the meeting and thanked the people of Taiwan for their condolences to the late former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. He pointed out that Mr. Abe made the most significant efforts for Taiwan-Japan relations during his lifetime. He said he would carry on Mr. Abe’s last wish.

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