Day: October 6, 2022

There’s No Doubt There Will Be More Pandemics Because They’re Intentionally Creating Them

There’s No Doubt There Will Be More Pandemics Because They’re Intentionally Creating Them

No biodefense research is purely defensive – to do the work, you’re automatically engaged in the creation of biological weapons. Gain-of-function research on deadly pathogens, any one of which could be released to create a global pandemic when a scare event is necessary to trick populations into choosing a false sense of safety over freedom. Interview of Francis Boyle.

Researchers Are Building a Timeline of Docs That Influenced Governments’ Decisions Made in Response to the Covid Pandemic

Researchers Are Building a Timeline of Docs That Influenced Governments’ Decisions Made in Response to the Covid Pandemic

Professor Carl Heneghan and Tom Jefferson are gathering documents, such as position statements or briefings, related to government responses to Covid. The aim is to provide a permanent record of the documents used and produced to make decisions on the events surrounding the SARs-CoV-2 pandemic. “Timeline” of these documents for the UK and have made enquiries about where these records can be found for Canada and USA.