Vancouver Customer Service Company Hacked by CCP

It is reported on September 30th that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) hackers tampered with software widely used by a small Canadian customer service company, and the case is another example of supply chain compromise.

In an article, a U.S. cybersecurity firm said that they discovered malware distributed by Vancouver-based Comm100, which provides customer service products such as chatbots and social media management tools to the series of customers around the world, according to the report. It is understood that the scope and scale of the hack has not been investigated and cleared, but Comm100 claims it had fixed its software earlier, and while the malware had been in circulation for several days, the actual number of victims is not yet known.

The hackers involved are suspected from communist China, because of the behavior pattern, the language used in the code, and the fact that one of the victims of the hack was a repeated target of CCP hackers in the past. The Chinese Embassy in Washington did not immediately respond for comment as Beijing often denies the allegations.

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