Canada Imposed new Sanctions on Iran over alleged Human Rights Violations

According to a report by Iran International on October 3 Monday, the Canadian government imposed new sanctions on Iran for alleged human rights abuses, including the recent detention of 22-year-old woman Mahsa Amini by Iran’s moral police, which led to her death. On Monday, Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly announced sanctions on 25 Iranian officials and 9 Iranian entities. This includes the Commander-in-chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps; Hossein Salami, the Chief of Ethics Police; Mohammad Rostami Cheshmeh Gachi, and the Chief of General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, Mohammed-Hossein Bagheri. The Canadian government said, “The sanctions target Iran’s gross human rights violations, including its systematic persecution of women, and especially the appalling conduct of the so-called ‘morality police.” Melanie Joly stated, “The ongoing and systemic persecution of women in Iran must stop… Canada appreciates the courage and actions of the Iranian people and will stand with them as they fight for their rights and dignity “together.”

On the 13th of last month, an Iranian woman, Mahsa Amini, was arrested by the Iranian morality police for not wearing a hijab properly. Three days later, she died in a coma in the hospital. According to Mahsa Amini’s family, she was tortured to death in custody. Iranian police authorities have denied the allegation, claiming that Amini died of a heart attack. Her death has sparked one of Iran’s biggest protests in recent years.

The Canadian government had previously imposed sanctions on 41 Iranian individuals and 161 Iranian entities. In 2012, Canada designated Iran as a “sponsor of terrorism.”

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