Mark Zuckerberg, Co-founder, Chairman and CEO of Facebook’s parent company Meta Platforms (formerly Facebook, Inc.),
According to a report on September 30th, just a few hours after Ukrainian President Volodymyr
Russian rapper Ivan Vitalievich Petunin did not want to be enlisted in Russian army, who
On Saturday, a private survey showed that the price of new houses in the Communist
As reported by a foreign media on September 30th, the head of the Brothers of
According to a report from the Himalaya Australia Farm, the former U.S. Secretary of State
Russia’s attempt to further annex the territory of Ukraine is a new “low point” in
On September 29th, local time, the media reported that chip customers in the United States
The U.S. Lend-Lease Act for Ukraine went into effect on October 1st at local time,