New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

Numerous Signs Show That Communist China Is Starting to Collapse

According to media reports, from perspective of covid-19 pandemic, real estate, crackdown of technology giants and China’s demographic problems, China is starting to collapse, and the Communist Party’s “centralized economic model is coming to an end.”

 The first problem is covid-19. China has made a proud political decision not to import foreign vaccines and to impose draconian lockdowns with very first signs of an outbreak emerging. Shanghai, Shenzhen and dozens of other cities have suffered economically devastating lockdowns, disrupting global supply chains (and causing food shortages and other hardships to millions). According to a recent report by Bloomberg Businessweek, in Ruili, a western border town, residents were forced not to leave their homes for 119 days between March 2021 and April 2022.

 The second is China’s real estate. Again, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has made a political decision not to encourage private consumption as it’s irrelevant to its quest for national greatness. This results in statistical contortions promoting unhealthy growth.

 In the first decade of this century, Communist China boosted exports via manipulation of its exchange rate, which however also led to an unsustainable trade surplus, the revenue being recycled into large number of U.S. financial instruments, and eventually to a restless feeling of dependence when Wall Street collapsed in 2008.

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