In his live broadcasting on September 28, the founder of Whistleblower Movement, Mr. Miles Guo, said that the Himalaya Formosa Taiwan may have amassed the best-looking people among global Himalaya farms, and the farm’s fellow fighters like Daniu, Paris, Emily, Tianji, Ching, Kate are all young. They have said no nonsense in their live broadcastings. And these young fighters really have the least contact with me. Their ability to execute may not be the best, but their determination to execute is the best among the farms all over the world
In his live broadcast on September 28, 2022, Mr. Miles Guo praised the fellow fighters from the Himalaya Formosa Taiwan as competent Taiwanese.
This time, the Himalaya Formosa Taiwan seized the opportunity when Pompeo visited Taiwan. Daniu, Ching and other fellow fighters did a great job from contacting media, printing and distributing flyers, on-site support, media publicity, on site actions, to finally met with Mr. Pompeo.
On behalf of New Federal State of China (NFSC), fellow fighters from Himalaya Formosa Taiwan welcome the former United States Secretary of State Mr. Mick Pompeo to visit Taiwan. (Photo Source: Liberty Times Net)
Mr. Guo said he once met with Mr. Mike Pompeo, the former United States secretary of state, at his office. Mr. Guo asked, “If you were elected president, what is your stance on Taiwan? What would you do if the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) invade Taiwan?” Pompeo replied, “No matter what the situation is, if the CCP attack Taiwan, I will live and die with the people of Taiwan.” This was Mr. Pompeo’s original words.
Then Mr. Pompeo also showed Mr. Guo a photo on his mobile phone that Xi took with him privately back in the day.
Mr. Mies Guo said that he felt deeply gratified by presenting Pompeo with the Star of Faith by Daniu and he will always remember it. He praised the fellow fighters from the Himalaya Formosa Taiwan as competent Taiwanese.

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