New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

COVID vaccine’s Spike Protein and Systemic Blood Clotting

Dr. Jessica Rose is an academic scientist in molecular biology and immunology. She explained how the spike protein from COVID vaccines potentially harms hemoglobin—a protein molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body’s tissues and returns carbon dioxide from the tissues back to the lungs. She also pointed out that the U.S. health authorities lied to us when they claimed that the mRNA stay at the injection sites. Actually, carried by blood, the mRNA is distributed to the heart, the brain, ovaries and testes, spleen, and other organs, which means that any system, organ, function can go awry.

 Veronika: Hi, everyone, this is Veronika Kyrylenko from the New American magazine. Blood clotting is an important process that prevents excessive bleeding when the blood vessel is injured. Blood platelets and proteins in our plasma work together to stop the bleeding by forming a clot over the injury. Typically, our bodies naturally dissolve the clots after the injury has healed. Messing with this vital process doesn’t seem like a good idea. COVID infection is linked to causing excessive blood clots that are denser than normal and are not easily degraded. That is because of the effects of the most toxic part of the virus–The spike protein. But does it matter if the spike protein comes from the natural COVID infection or from the vaccine that makes our own cells express it on their surface. Today I’m honored to be joined by Dr. Jessica Rose, an academic scientist with a post-doctoral degree in molecular biology and a degree in immunology and computational biology. Dr. Rose, welcome and thank you so much for being here

 Dr. Rose: Thanks for having me, it was quite the nice introduction. Thank you.

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