According to Australia Broadcast Corporation, North Korea formally declared last week that it would implement a preemptive nuclear attack policy to protect itself through legislation. The leader Kim Jong Un said the law would make its nuclear status “irreversible” and ban the denuclearization negotiation.
The United States and South Korea have condemned North Korea’s announcement as the “policy of nuclear attack will intensify regional instability.” Washington claimed it would continue to deploy and set up strategic funding to deter and deal with this action of Pyongyang.
A joint statement after the deputy ministerial conference of the Extended Deterrence Strategy and Consultation Group (EDSCG) reconfirmed the “unchanged” policy of the U.S. to defend South Korea and also expressed that an “overwhelming and decisive” response would meet any North Korean nuclear attack.
The U.S. and South Korea redeclared that the coalition government would forcefully respond to North Korea’s nuclear attacks. Both countries would prepare to deal with any possible situation occurring at any time and commit to using international powers to enhance the alliance’s deterrence. “The United States committed to strengthening coordination with South Korea to continue to deploy and exercise strategic assets in the region in a timely and effective manner to deter and respond to North Korea and enhance regional security,” it said.

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