New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

Miles Guo: NFSC Members’ Religion is “Take Down the CCP”

On a September 16’s Gettr live stream, Miles Guo talked about the catastrophic upheaval the world is facing, and the coping strategies the New Federal State of China (NFSC) should adopt.

Miles pointed out that for the past few years, only the Whistleblower Movement (WM) and the NFSC are the organizations that have been constantly sounding alarm to the world, which the economy, political issues, and military all will be facing unprecedented challenges, putting global population in grave uncertainty.

The members of the NFSC, being unvaccinated [or overwhelmingly unvaccinated], are the unique group that holds the key to a brighter future in all this uncertainty. Being the envy of many, Miles said, the NFSC members shall cherish and care each other even more, guard well our wealth as well as our credibility, and never forget that the mission of Take-Down-the-CCP is the fundamental reason and purpose that draws us fellow fighters together and fight side by side.

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