CCP has Turned Traditional Chinese Culture Festivals into Cultural Disasters

On September 10, the live broadcast of the traditional Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, Miles Guo shared his feelings about the festival with his fellow fighters. Miles said the Mid-Autumn Festival originally held a good wish for families and loved ones to reunite, but no one in Chinese history had really solved this problem. And the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has changed the original meaning of the holiday even more.

 First of all, two conditions are needed for the reunion of relatives: one is deep love between family members, and the other is the ability of individuals to get together. But now, under the various strict controls by the CCP, many overseas Chinese are not free to return to their hometowns, and a large portion of Chinese inside the communist China are also controlled and unable to move freely. So there is no way for Chinese people to realize their wish for family reunion right now.

 Secondly, in recent years, the Mid-Autumn Festival has become an opportunity for people to pay and accept bribes, pull strings, and make deals with each other inside

 Communist China. The festive season is supposed to serve as a time to reunite with loved ones and express affection. But, the CCP has turned our traditional festival into a cultural disaster.

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