As revealed on August 31’s “Fey Fey Show”, in June 2017, the Bank of China lent Zhang Songqiao £1.2 billion to buy the Cheese Grater, a famous London landmark, at a time when the Chinese government was conducting strict anti-money laundering checks on transfers of assets from real estate companies abroad.
It is obvious that the Bank of China has a lot to give, and Tian Guoli is the individual who has close relations with the Bank of China. In 2013, Tian served as secretary of the Party committee of the Bank of China, and only in 2017 did he move from the Bank of China to China Construction Bank. In other words, Tian was still the Party Secretary of the Bank of China when the bank made a loan to Zhang Songqiao in June 2017.
It is well known that Tian is one of Wang Qishan’s four main bagmen. Wang Jianlin, the owner of Wanda, was censored by the CCP government in January 2017, thus causing a break in his cash flow, so Wang had to dispose of the assets in his hands to fill the gap.
In fact, it was not up to Wang Jianlin to decide whether his cash flow was out of order. Tian Guoli, then secretary of the Party Committee of the Bank of China, could help Wang solve the problem, but Tian had to listen to the instructions of his boss Wang Qishan. And Wang Qishan was not willing to help Wang Jianlin.
In July 2017, Wang Jianlin sold 77 hotels overseas owned byWanda to Li Silian of Guangzhou Fuli. The day before, Wang had received an offer from Sunac boss Sun Hongbin with an offer 40% higher than that of Li Silian. Instead, Wang Jianlin sold the hotel to Li Silian at a 60% discount from Sunac’s offer. Wang explained at the time that if he sold it to Sunac, Sunac would need a loan, while Silian Li would not require a loan to buy Wanda’s assets. This was why Wang chose to sell to Silian Li. It is not known what drove Wang Jianlin to sell the hotel under his name at that time, and the wording of Wang Jianlin’s speech at that time was very vague.

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