In the live broadcast on September 4th, Mr. Miles Guo mentioned three progressive levels of US technology sanctions against the Communist China. First level is to ban the sale of chips, EDA and some advanced hardware to China. Second level is to require the American’s technology companies to completely withdraw from China, cut off communication and existing services. Third level, which is also the complete decoupling, is to prohibit all countries in the world from selling high-tech technology to Communist China, otherwise they will be sanctioned by the U.S.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) foolishly believes that the US technology decoupling will only reach and stop at the first level. But what the US did seem to have surpassed all three levels by blocking the technology source, as well as hardware and software that Communist China needs for advanced technological development. This could cause some of the so-called high-tech robots that China claimed to have artificial intelligence to become retarded and require human assistance, bringing trouble rather than convenience to human, which is contrary to the initial intention of artificial intelligence. Some people might see this as a problem of application scope or capital speculation, but the same issue also exists in military operation. The quality of chips used in drones which CCP is proud of is getting worse. Poor quality chips also caused the warships to lose direction, letting alone to fight against enemies.
The United States is well aware of that once the CCP owns the advanced technology, they will attack Taiwan and support the evil Russia to invade Ukraine. Moreover, the CCP virus and vaccines have also brought enormous disasters to the entire world. The US has realized that CCP is its biggest enemy.

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