In a live broadcast on September 4th, Miles Guo revealed that Zuckerberg, Facebook’s CEO may suddenly announce his retirement for suppressing vaccine information and engaging in political battles. Facebook will be investigated by both Democrat and Republican parties in the U.S., and other big-tech companies that will be investigated include Twitter, Google, and YouTube.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) knows that TikTok and Zoom will be kicked out of the U.S. market one day, so they are trying hard to grow the market in Communist China. The CCP’s goal is clear: even if TikTok is kicked out of the U.S. market, they would have the Chinese market to support their revenue. However, when the U.S. decouple its technology from Communist China, the U.S. will cut off Communist China’s access to microchips as well as a global network. Once TikTok and Zoom lose the U.S. market and are sanctioned by the U.S., the possibility of making a profit is almost zero.
From 2017 to 2020, Zoom U.S. users grew by 120 times. U.S. courts, law firms, government agencies, and the Department of Defense use Zoom. It is obvious how much information the CCP has gained from serving U.S. individuals, businesses, and government agencies. How can Americans rest knowing that Zoom and TikTok are stealing their information?
In the U.S. and European countries, it is not up to one of the leaders to decide. Policies are directed or made in the interest of the country. Now there is a bipartisan consensus in Washington. The U.S. must take down the CCP, a communist regime once supported and nurtured by the ignorance of the U.S. and the greed of U.S. elites.

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