New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

Chinese Canadian Groups Aligned with CCP on Taiwan Issues

It is reported on September 1st that dozens of Chinese Canadian associations responded swiftly their endorsement of Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s diplomatic stance of reunifying Taiwan by force as Canadian lawmakers announced their planned visit to Taiwan in the fall.

87 Chinese Canadian groups signed an open letter, which was published on a Chinese outlet based in Vancouver on August 16th, declaring that they would firmly support the CCP’s political attitude of reunification with Taiwan. Beijing’s English-language China Daily immediately quoted the above information and published an article stating that Taiwan was used as a pawn in the CCP-U.S. conflict.

The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Vancouver said that the letter’s view is completely unacceptable to Taiwanese overseas. David Mulroney, a former Canadian ambassador to Beijing, said that he was concerned whether the letter was authorized by the CCP. Canada has no law that requires individuals or groups to register when lobbying on behalf of foreign regimes, but Public Safety Canada said they will use various methods and techniques to combat CCP’s interference.

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